Grateful Tree & Hedge


Tree Removal Coral Springs , FL

No matter how much you love a tree, there are some instances that it just can’t be saved. In this case, you have to do a complete tree removal, regardless of how painful it may be. Not to worry though; at an affordable rate, we can get this done for you!

When it’s time to get a tree removed
The most popular circumstances that would warrant a tree removal include:

A hollow tree
If at least a third of a tree is rotten or hollow, it’s time to remove it.

A compromised trunk
Some signs of extensive internal decay include dead branch stubs, cracks, and splits. These indicate it’s time to cut down the tree lest it falls unexpectedly and cause unforeseen harm.

Sudden leaning
This is an indication of structural damage and could be hazardous. As a rule of thumb, if a tree leans more than 15% from the vertical, it should be removed.


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Sprouts appearing at the tree base
Known as epicormic shoots, these sprouts are a sign of extreme stress. This stress could be due to overexposure to the sun, soil compaction, or a recent home construction injury. Immediately you see these sprouts, you should have your tree checked by an arborist and possibly removed.

The roots are damaged
While damaged roots are not easily noticeable, there are some telltale signs. These include fungi growth and heaving soil. Also, if you’ve had a recent excavation near the tree, there are higher chances that the roots have been damaged. As a rule of thumb, if at least 50% of the root system has been damaged, the tree has to be removed.

The tree is growing under a powerline
If a tree is growing under a powerline, it has to be cut down. Otherwise, it can cause a serious electrical mishap.

The tree is too near to your house/structures
As a rule of thumb, large trees should be at least 20 feet from any house or building. If there are any closer, they pose a serious safety hazard and will need to be cut down.

The tree is infected or isn’t growing well

Is the cron of your tree dying back?
Does it have cracks, discolored leaves, or emergence holes? If so, it is not doing well; it either has an infection or is infested with pests. And if more than 50% of the tree is experiencing this, it has to be removed.

Large dead branches
If a tree has large dead branches, it poses a serious safety hazard. And while less than 25% of branch damage can be reversed, anything beyond that necessitates a tree removal.